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News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 07.11.2014

Compassion recognises Monoprix for dairy cow welfare at European Forum

Compassion was delighted to present leading French retailer Monoprix with a Good Dairy Commendation at its first European Good Farm Animal Welfare Forum in Paris yesterday. Amelie Legrand and Tracey Jones from Compassion with representatives…

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News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 31.10.2013

European companies celebrate at Compassion’s Awards

Last night, (30th October) Compassion celebrated a number of ‘firsts’ at its European Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards in Paris. The event itself was a first, with the usually separate…

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News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 14.02.2012

Compassion launches Good Pig Award

2012 sees the launch of our Good Pig Award which will recognise companies that are using or committing to using higher welfare production systems for sows and meat…

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News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 05.01.2012

Happy New Year for Hens!

At Compassion we’re taking a moment to celebrate the fact that the EU ban on barren battery cages has finally come into force as of 1st January 2012. This…

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News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 29.11.2011

UK’s public sector awarded for commitment to animal welfare

An afternoon of celebration took place in London yesterday (28th November 2011) as we held our Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards for the Public Sector. Over 50 universities…

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News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 04.04.2011

Launch of the Good Dairy Awards for 2011

Building on the success of the Good Egg and last year’s Good Chicken Awards, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Good Dairy Awards. Fulfilling the…

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News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 01.04.2011

The language of welfare

How would you communicate the benefits of choosing higher welfare in a convincing manner to the average shopper who is bombarded daily with an array of labels, prices…

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News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 22.03.2011

The Big Idea

Dieses Video von Compassion in World Farming und der Albert Schweitzer Stiftung für unsere Mitwelt zeigt auf, warum Massentierhaltung beendet werden muss und inwiefern Unternehmen sich an dem…

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News Section Icon Veröffentlicht 22.03.2011

Tierschutzpreisverleihungen 2011

In der Vergangenheit fanden unsere Auszeichnungen an prestigeträchtigen Orten wie dem House of Commons in London, dem Europäischen Parlament in Brüssel, im Pariser Eiffelturm sowie im Palais am…

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